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oh no, guests!
2003-09-26 - 3:21 p.m.

Ok, ok, it seems that my banners got approved sooner than I was expecting. And so now people are coming in, strangers! And what are they seeing? Yes, it's garbage!


See, the thing with this diary is, I don't really have any coherent plan of what it is or what it's about. Mainly I just write stuff to get it off my chest, or to fill in time when I'm bored, or to make myself feel smart by saying things I think are profound... so, um, yeah. So, really, I want people to like this diary, but I don't know what I want them to like it for, if you see what I mean.


Anyway, I thought, as a service to new visitors, I would prepare a kind of "index" of "greatest hits"; specifically, these are all the entries that someone has listed as a "favourite entry". So, if you start by reading one or two of these, it might give you an idea whether or not you're likely to like the diary overall. Um, although the garbage-y stuff is probably a more representative sample, but, hey, "put your best foot forward", right?


Here's one,
here's another,
and another one,
and then there's this one,
and this one,
and of course this one,
and this last one.


"Big wheels rollin', movin' on" - Merle Haggard

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