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I'm not sure
2003-10-06 - 12:33 a.m.

I'm not sure if I actually spoke face-to-face with another human being today. Oh no wait, I did. I was going around a corner udner a bridge on my bike, and someone else was coming around the same corner at the same time. As I moved my bike to avoid her, we both said "sorry".


I do believe that was it. I spent some time talking on the phone, I spent some time with the neighbour's dog (the neighbours are away and I'm helping to look after him... he is sooo cute. Uh. Yeah, pretty much it.


This is getting bad. That's what I'm trying to say. You know that risk I took a little while ago, and was so proud of taking? Yeah, it didn't come out the way I wanted. But I'm glad, I'm glad I took it because it reminded me that I can. I can try and fail, and hey, look at this, I'm not dead! I'm pretty much where I was before I took the risk. So I can take more risks. Why not? What have I got to lose? What I've got to lose is a lifestyle wherein I can go an entire day without speaking to another human being face-to-face. So. That's what I'm going to do. Damnit.


Tomorrow isn't going to be like today was. And that's final.


"You can leave your hat on" - Randy Newman

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