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2004-07-31 - 1:45 a.m.

I have polycystic kidney disease.


Um. I feel kind of weird about it. A mixture of anger, acceptance, anxiety, stress, fear... bah. I mean, I try to tell myself, this is a very common condition, millions of people have it, it's hardly Pompe's disease, right damo?


But... it's freaky. Normal kidneys have a diameter of about 11cm. Mine are about 19cm. Late stage PKD causes renal failure which can be treated only by dialysis or transplant. I can't help feeling weird and paranoid about them, picturing what they look like, imagining that every twinge in my back is being caused by the bloated mass of my kidneys inflating like balloons from one of those helium canisters...


Right, sorry, enough with the disturbing imagery. This is my brain at work, unfortunately. I should just get over it. Um.


"Disorder in the house" - Warren Zevon

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