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2004-08-14 - 12:52 a.m.

There are things I feel, in my body, in my chest, that I want to express, that I want to get out. Bad feelings. But I can't... get past feeling it's pointless.


You know what I hate? Interacting with other human beings. You know what I like? Then tell me and we'll both know.


Sorry. Rotten day. So fucking sick of my parents. Now I'm sick they can take over my life "for my own good". I hate them coming out to the shed. This is my space, I pay rent on it, I'm entitled to hide from you out here, don't come fucking bothering me every twenty minutes with some shit that I don't... aargh, I sound just like I did at 17.


Bah, friday the 13th is officially over now, things are allowed to be good again.


"Did you hear about the midnight rambler?" - The Rolling Stones

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