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2005-03-09 - 12:25 a.m.

Uh, not much to report. Just, you know, checking in. Um.
Work's going ok. Teaching seems alright so far. Money situation could be better but it's getting there. No lovelife to speak of but I'm used to it. Um. My sister is depressed and I wish I could do more to help her, but I can't. Uh. Um. I've been listening to lots of Billy Joel. He's really very good. Not something I'd feel very comfortable defending at a party or whatever, but, yeah, he writes real songs and displays considerable skill and craftsmansip in making catchy, accessible melodies with a polished sound. I read up about him the other day and it turns out that when he was in his early twenties he decided to kill himself by drinking furniture polish because he believed his whole life had been a failure. Just shows what ambition does, I guess.
Hmm. My working day today began at 11 and finished at 6, so I guess I'm feeling a bit run down or something.
Speaking of things running down, my gold membership ran out, but, yeah, to be honest I'm not really fussed about it. Maybe when I've got my overseas photos on this computer I'll do something about it... hmm.
Well... I guess my work here is done.
"She's got a choice" - Billy Joel

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