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2003-02-19 - 10:07 p.m.



Things are happenning. I thought I wasn't going to be teaching this semester, but it turns out I probably will be.


Other things are also happenning.


Yesterday I listened to lots and lots of Jim Croce. Then I was over at Beesweb and there was this thing saying "In Memory of Jim Croce". But it turned out to be a different Jim Croce.


Anyway, blah, the thing I wanted to say about Jim Croce was, about 2 hours into my Croce-a-thon I realised that if I were to meet a younger version of myself then that younger version would probably spit in my face and ask what the fuck I am doing listening to this sentimental simplistic easy-listening stuff. And I wouldn't be able to explain to younger-self why I like it so much. I don't know. Back then I think I was much more into... I don't know, I don't want to knock younger-self's taste, because I inherited his record collection, and really like it.


See, there's this line in this song, I'll do my song quote before the end so I can show it to you.


"Rapid Roy the Stock-Car Boy

Is too much too believe

He's always got an extra pack of cigarettes

Rolled up in his T-shirt sleeve

He's got a tattoo on his arm that say 'baby'

He got another one that just say 'hey'" - Jim Croce, "Rapid Roy the Stock-Car Boy"


Now, the thing is, when he sings that line, "He got another one that just say 'hey'", then at that moment, it seems to me like there could be nothing in the world cooler than having a tattoo on your arm that says "hey". Picture that. On your own arm. No explanation, no picture, no context, Just the word "hey". Isn't it just too cool?


Yeah, maybe it'd work better if you were listening to the song.

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